Alliance pour la Conservations des Grands Singes en Afrique Centrale

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mars 2022

Sekakoh organise training for 30 éco-gardes for the Benue National Park on the use of SMART

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In January this year, Sekakoh in partnership with Bristol Zoological Society initiated the Spatial Monitoring And Reporting Tool (SMART) patrols in the Benue National Park (BeNP)SMART has been identified as a more effective tool in protecting biodiversity_supporting anti poaching patrols and ecological monitoring. To deliver a successful training, there were two major phases of action.

1. Pre training visit 
After completing the process of recruiting a consultant to lead the SMART training of 30 ecoguards in the Benue National Park, the consultant effected a pre-training visit to evelaute the level of the ecoguards and understand their awareness of SMART and to identify the materials required for a successful training. The evaluation visit was completed in October 2021. During the visit, the consultant organised working sessions with the conservation service and the MINTOUR team managing the hotellery facilities at Buffle Noir. At the end of the visit, it was agreed that a SMART training be delivered to all the 30 ecoguards of the BeNP and a lesser number (10) of ecoguards be trainned on the SMART data base management. The training was hosted by the Buffl Noire Hotel.

2. Training in data collection with SMART application and
For Four days, a SMART data collection training using SMART mobile and Cyber tracker were delivered to the conservation service of the BeNP. The 4 days training went on hitch free and practicals were organised at the end of the data collection session. Collected data was analysed by consultant and presented to the trainees at the end of the training.

3. Training on SMART data base management

In line with our objective of operationalizing SMART patrols in Benue, there was a second part of training that was allocated to a fewer number of ecoguards as this is the more computerised aspect of SMART. Managing the data base of SMART is premodial in redering it functional which permits informed decission making by the conservation service. The conservator was charged to select apt ecoguards who could each afford a laptop. The 5days training was led by same consultant who eloquently articulated the subject, referencing examplse from all around the Benue landscape. Both trainings were succesful.

Gestion apaisée des terres : Les Baka de Bifolone s’entendent avec leur frères Bantous de Kodja à la périphérie de la Reserve de Faune du Dja, Est-Cameroun

By Actualités, Actualités des membres, FocusNo Comments


Tropical Forest and Rural Developement dans le cadre du projet de sécurisation des terres pour la valorisation des produits forestiers non ligneux en vue de l’amélioration des moyens d’existence de la communauté Baka de Bifolone autour de la Reserve de Biosphère, financé par l’ambassade de France à faciliter les échanges avec les Bantous en vue de la cession des terres aux Baka. Grace a la cartographie participative, en tenant compte de la perception des deux communautés, les échanges entre les communautés Baka et Bantous ont aboutis à la délimitation d’un territoire de 428 ha en faveur des Baka dans laquelle un inventaire a été effectué.

Les résultats de cet inventaire multi ressources montrent que la forêt des communautés Baka délimitée est très riche en espèces faunique, floristique et en eau. Cette cession de terre ouvre alors de belles perspectives aux communautés Baka de Bifolone qui avaient besoins de ce territoire pour la collecte et la valorisation des PFNL, le développement de l’éco-tourisme pour la promotion de leur culture et l’agriculture durable. Les Baka veulent voir cet espace érigé en forêt communautaire pour plus de sécurité foncière.