Alliance pour la Conservations des Grands Singes en Afrique Centrale

Filling of polypods by locals at the nursery site

For the month of March, Sekakoh’s conservation efforts in Ebo have concentrated on the South of Ebo Forest specifically the Sanaga Marime parts. With funds from New England Biolabs foundation, we organized a stakeholders meeting that saw the participation of traditional authorities, municipal counsellors, hunters, farmers and timber exploiters. This meeting is a continued reminder/sensitization of forest users who live close to and depend on the Ebo forest on the importance of the site and the need for its sustainable exploitation to ensure that does not only keep its resources for future generation but also fights climate change. It was unanimously confirmed by participants that climate change impacts is increasingly visible around their community with most of them pointing on increasing night temperatures, lack of rains and the death of tons of fish reported recently in Dibamba.
In a second line of activities to support the re-greening of this area, Sekakoh put in place a community economic tree nursery. Nursery plants were jointly chosen by locals in a Sekakoh facilitated workshop and their choice of agroforestry trees include the, Bitter cola, red or white cola, plums, and coconuts. The seeds for their chosen agroforestry trees have been secured in Edea and environs and placed in a nursery that now harbors over 1000 pots seeds pending growth to planting age/height.

Family Picture at end of stake holders meeting

In the Mpem and Djim National Park, we continuate with the PPI project that aims to reduce farmer grazer and grazer protected areas conflict. In this regard, and for the past few months, we completed the construction of a cattle enclosure measuring over 2 hectares (two) and a residence for the cattle attendant in Linte village. The construction work that faced enormous challenges from material sourcing, to site accessibility finally saw the keys of the facility handed to the Ardo on the 25/02/2024. The cattle enclosure constructed with funds from PPI-6, is currently holding of 200 cattle all belonging the (Ardo Bororo Chief of this area).

Technical team constructing the cattle enclosure

It is important to remember that Sekakoh continues to support the Mpem and Djim park authorities in carrying out monthly anti-intrusion and anti-poaching patrols as well as wildlife monitoring through camera traps.


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